Welcome to Taiwan Lugu, where we provide the best Taiwanese High Mountain Oolong tea. We have a reputation for offering top-quality tea to our esteemed customers. A little taste of the tea we sell will make you always ask for more. We are based in Vancouver, providing world-recognized Gold Award winning hand-made finest tea to our community and receiving numerous positive comments on our tea quality. If you would like to know more about us, you can reach us at (236) 885-2486, and we will be ready to share our awesome tea experience with you. 歡迎來到台灣鹿谷,我們提供最好的台灣高山烏龍茶。 以向尊貴的客戶提供優質茶而享有盛譽。 品嚐了我們的茶,清香環繞久久不能散去會讓您愛不釋手。 我們總公司設在溫哥華,宗旨是為我們的社區提供世界級的金獎手作頂級茶,並收到了許多對我們茶葉質量的積極評價。 如果您想了解更多關於我們的信息,您可以撥打 (236) 885-2486 與我們聯繫,台灣鹿谷會與您分享很棒的茶體驗。