The Teas We Offer 我們提供的優質茶品

The Teas We Offer  我們提供的優質茶品

We offer a wide range of teas – such as Da Yu Ling Oolong Tea, Pear Mountain Oolong Tea, Ginseng Oolong Tea, San Ling River Oolong Tea, and Black Tea. Our tea are from the high mountain with an altitude of 1800 ~ 2200, a group of tea farmers worked hard to pick one core with two leaves by hand at 5:00a.m. until 12:00p.m.. The natural methond of preserving the nutrients of the tea leaves makres the tea fragrant and rich, and the tea is still fragrant after brewing more than 8 times. Because we are painstaking in our selection process, you’re sure to get a proper cup of tea made the way people have been drinking it for hundreds of years, if not more. We guarantee that every cup of our tea will leave you with delightfully tickled taste buds. 我們提供種類繁多的茶——如大禹嶺烏龍茶、梨山烏龍茶、人參烏龍茶、杉林溪烏龍茶和紅茶。 我們的茶產自海拔1800~2200的高山,凌晨5:00,一群茶農辛勤地手工採摘一芯兩葉。 直到中午12:00。 保留茶葉營養成分的自然方法使茶香濃郁,沖泡8次以上,茶香依舊。 因為我們在選擇過程中煞費苦心,所以您一定會得到一杯合適的茶,百年來如一。我們保證我們的每一杯茶都會給您留下令人愉悅的味蕾。